She made me laugh, and cackle a few times, and generally smile widely through the whole show. Not your typical stand-up, Alex through some great curve having her parents Judy and Irving, come to a show where she sings about Mushtats. If you like her in Mrs Maisel, and Family Guy uncensored, you'll love this show even more, I kid you knot!
It's hard to tell if, when she sings, if that is her real singing voice, or if she is imitating a singer. The point sized pistol is so good at mimicry it's hard to tell when you actually here the real voice she uses for every day speech.
As for the reviewers who pretend not to enjoy this style of ha ha, why would you bother watching. You must already know her style given everything else she's done. Oh well, haters and trolls gotta hate and troll.