10+ - Powerful, Uplifting Movie
When this film came out, it had a solid 8.3. Then some thief put the film online and it was stolen by thousands of non-believing, Christ-rejectors and the score went down to a 6.1. It just shows you there is no honor among thieves. They steal the film and then vote a '1'.
I laugh at the reviewer who says there is no subtitles. Only the pirated, stolen copies have no subtitles. So the reviewer admits he's a thief.
The worst part for all these non-believers is the Great White Throne judgment. They will give an account - after having watched this film - of what they did with the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I wouldn't want to be within 100 yards of them when they are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity. Sobering thought.
My rating: 10/10.