This is kind of interesting to watch at first, but then you suddenly stop and wonder why these people are even making this show?
The shows title is not at all what this show is about. It's about a couple of nobodies, pretending to be somebodies, talking about the deaths of celebrities and what they personally think, suspect, theorise and speculate, but in the end, not a shred of evidence to prove anything. Nothing is actually solved.
The most annoying one is Deanna Thompson who can't open her mouth without telling you about what other investigations she's appeared in. She just has tickets all over herself. She comes off as someone who believes self promotion means more than the death of somebody and how their family and friends would react having to watch her love and admiration for herself everytjme she opens her gob.
Overall, this show is nothing more than a useless series devoted to useless opinions. It might clear up how an actor died IF you didn't know already, or you didn't hear the whole story. But that's it. The rest is whoevers speaking personal opinion they want you to believe because it's what they believe.
Everything else is pointless background filler. At least shows like Unsolved Mysteries had updates and resolves now and then, this show has cases that no one will ever know the truth to. This show is the equivalent of a passing YouTube comment saying "I THINK the butler did it"