Wicked blood by Mike young acts as a very intriguing character study of a young teenage girl living in a very trying atmosphere. In an environment where breaking the law, drug trafficking and other vices are commonplace and stuff like talking to the police is considered immoral/taboo, the girl wants out.
The director takes us through a ride of what goes around in her young mind, her love for chess and how real life resembles chess with various people playing roles of different chess pieces, their strenghts, limitations and their significance to the game called life.
It is really interesting to see how her intelligent and yet at the same time immature and flawed plan plays out. We see all features of a young mind the determination, the intelligence and the ultimate immaturity at display
Abigail Breslin is probably one of the most talented young actresses in Hollywood right from the days of Little miss sunshine and it is needless to say that she embraces this role of a conflicted girl with ease and grace.
Sean bean is his usual wicked self as a the mafia boss uncle.
Overall for an experience, i really like such movies that are different and portray real life characters with humane feel and limitations rather than a superhero movie with CGI.
If you re my type of viewer you ll probably love this movie.
* Its a pity that this movie has not got a lot of promotion/hype and m the first one posting the review