I am watching the series for the first time in 2024, although it was recorded in 2016. It shows the difficulties of the ordinary Macedonian, the fighters for a free and independent Macedonia and those who fought for our Macedonian language. Although the actions of the Bulgarian fascist occupier and the Serbian occupation before/during/after World War II are denied, the truth always surfaces. Kocho Racin's death is portrayed as an accident, but I am convinced that there is evidence that it was planned and carried out because of his courage and determination. Perhaps the truth about his death will never be revealed, but today, the same people, their successors, are in high positions and are creating traps for anyone who opposes their interests. SDS tried to ban the series due to disagreement with their policy towards Bulgaria, but the truth is that in their ranks there are descendants of the then "turning hats", snitches and perpetrators of many "unfortunate murders" and imprisonments.