When I first saw the series, I liked it. The art is good and the concept of human killers rather than supernatural entities is a great idea, as well as new grounds for analog horror. However, as the series goes on, it just becomes a bunch of videos full of nothing but shock value.
The series fails to provide any depth to the characters, so when they die, it's hard to feel bad for them because stuff like that keeps happening. On that note, the episodes are just Warning Sign, Text about a murder scene, and scary painting. It's the same thing for a majority of the show. And the crimes themselves are just so unnecessarily violent (there's a woman stabbed in a inappropriate part while drowning and a dog whose legs are broken for no reason by the killers, and those are the tamer ones) and this violence doesn't add much to the story aside from saying that the killers are bad.
I'm not saying this is the worst horror show I've seen, there are things such as the voice acting in "FAMILY" that I applaud, but the series itself is just a bunch of edgy stuff on top of edgy stuff that I hope is fixed in the future. If you don't mind more than 10 minutes of mindless violence that barely goes anywhere, this series is for you. As for me, I'm hoping that this series is saved soon.