It seems obvious the most fascinating story imaginable from the very lean synopsis supplied for the production wasn't the generic story of one believer faith trust love blah blah blah sheep culture.
What would have actually been interesting would have been the legal strategy behind how jury selection or local demographics even lead to some crazy world where only women were selected and on top of that the demographics there too are deeply unrealistic.
Still it would have been much more entertaining to see an attempt at reasoned justification for how the jury pool wound up even close to what ends up being represented. Then somehow in the negotiation both partys of the case found women favorable over men for their desired outcome.
And so on and so on... before you realize just how awful the basic premise is behind this since it in no way comments on or appreciates the lubricious irregularity.
Even the jury itself becomes preposterous as it appears much more like a ciricle of celebrity friends with minimal dissimilarities than not to one another.
I suppose there must be audiences out there content with this sort of cultural content quality because it sure gets made often enough.
Still the quality is below the BET standard which is saying something. Seems like some weird crowd funded thing or all the appearing minor celerbrities passed the hat to fund this overpriced nonsense if it even cost a million to produce.
Feels more like people had a pickup game of record the police intervention on their phones and just kind of got distracted wandered off and turned some bad larping into an impromptu "movie".
Its about as realistically representative of a court of law as biased media is the whole truth and nothing but.