Not really, more like act exactly in the manner the script suggests. No pun intended of course - and the movie seems to be one long audition tape. While it may be fun to watch audition tapes at times, it only is fun to see portions of them. And while I will not make a judgement on the actress here - I don't think she's doing herself a favor ... having written this and directed it too ... being more or less the only person that has to carry the movie.
There is something missing ... actually a lot is. There doesn't seem to be much sense behind what we see being "played out" in front of the camera ... why would she be willing to go that far? I don't think the twist at the end is .. enough to make sense of it all. On the other hand, if you like a movie that ... actually I don't even know what one may find appeasing here ... but some have found things they like - good for them I say. Everyone else probably should stay away from this ... as far as possible ... 15 minutes of fame are not worth it .. are they? Come to think of it, this can be categorized Found Footage ... which makes it even worse I reckon ...