After encountering a hideous ghoul in her bathroom, Allison Hillstead (Marie Barker) calls in the professionals for assistance.
Enter paranormal investigators / video store employees, Desmond and Jake (Greg Garrison and Dylan Schettina), exterminators of the undead. Once on the premises, the two spook hunters quickly realize that the situation is far worse than they had expected.
THE NEON DEAD is a micro-budget horror / comedy that uses lots of vivid colors -both paint and lighting- to create its hellish monsters and atmosphere. Taking the budgetary constraints into account, the effects aren't bad.
While the acting is as hit-and-miss as some of the dialogue, there's still something endearing about the film. The final battle, using both puppets and stop-motion, is certainly fun to watch!
Is it the most astonishing movie ever made? No. Is it made with gobs of cheeeze? Yes, but, if the proper allowances are made, you just might be entertained...