Stumbled upon this show on Netflix, and oh my gosh is it hilarious! A minor miracle of a show! Watch it NOW!
Story focuses on two 15 year old students, the bewildered and totally oblivious Nishikata, and his nemesis Tagaki, who delightfully and successfully win the teasing battle between the two. She obviously adores Nishikata (as do all his fellow students), but all in an effort to spend time with him. Nishikata, on the other hand, is obsessed with beating her in their teasing game, to the point his scheming, and over confidence, betrays his inherent innocence. It's all in good fun, or rather in Tagaki's efforts to get Nishikata to like her!
Over the course of the 10 episodes, our Nishikata starts to recognize he has some weird feelings for Tagaki, but never quite puts the pieces together. When Tagaki's father is set to be transferred, and move to Paris, Nishikata's competitive instincts start to be clouded by Tagaki moving away. The last three episodes are very funny, awkward, and endearing.
The episodes are about 25 minutes long, move quickly and are in sync. The leads, both Nishikata and Tagaki are wonderful. They completely occupy their roles, with honesty, awkwardness, humor and just take over the screen. Just amazing!