"Pani," the latest directorial venture from Joju George, delivers a gripping revenge thriller set in the bustling streets of Thrissur. The film follows two ambitious young men, Don (Sagar Surya) and Siju (Junaiz VP), who dive into the world of crime by executing a daring "quotation" task. Their initial success pits them against Giri (played by Joju George), a powerful yet discreet figure in Thrissur's underworld.
What makes "Pani" intriguing is how these seemingly ordinary young men outsmart seasoned criminals, including Giri's network of gangsters. The narrative delves into the tension between Giri's attempts to maintain his clean image and the mounting pressure to retaliate as his world spirals into chaos. The second half intensifies, transforming the film into a psychological game of cat-and-mouse, with unexpected twists that build on themes of vengeance, survival, and loss.
Both Sagar Surya and Junaiz deliver exceptional performances, blending fearlessness with a chilling disregard for consequences. Joju's direction and restrained storytelling emphasize emotions through subtle actions, avoiding over-the-top sequences or loud background scores. The film maintains a grounded, raw tone, bolstered by powerful cinematography and an atmospheric soundtrack, although some aspects, such as pacing and character depth, could have been improved.