I like Abigail Thorn's Youtube endeavours. She researches her stuff really well. So I was interested to see this. And oh wow, is the dialogue painful. Don't misunderstand, the content that this film attempts to discuss and deal with is serious, important, and essential in today's age. The writing and dreadful direction interfere with the unlying importance of the material however.
Somewhere beneath the absymal production is a good film dealing with important topics just bursting to get free. Sadly, like the characters it doesn't quite get there. That makes it an incredible shame. You can see what's being attempted. You can see how close they could have gotten. It just doesn't hit the mark.
My opinion, and it is just my opinion is that this is catering to those types of people who don't want to do the thinking. They don't want to do the work to understand the topic being presented to them. It's literally the only theory I could develop about how writing this dreadful ever got given a production budget.