"Love Deadline" is an original concept for a dating show where the proposal power goes to the girls and the tables are turned! The guys see what it feels like now! Here today, gone tomorrow is the theme as there is a "love deadline" but the guys don't know when that might come, so they need to cherish every moment and pursue the one they like without regrets. The cast is chosen because they are wanting to get married and find the one they want to have a family with and build a home with so the cast has had past relationships and are ready to find that lifelong connection. If the girl doesn't propose when their time is up, they go home with no further contact ever with the girl they fell for.
Just a couple of comments about the cast - First, Kai is the sweetest guy ever - why would anyone ever even hesitate at all in the slightest bit? Any girl would be so lucky to have him. And lastly, I feel Yushi got used by a social media influencer who might have been there for the wrong reason IMO. But let's face it - how many times have girls gotten used and hurt and dumped/ghosted basically so the tables really are turned unfortunately for those that got hurt. How many matches will be made?