Cute, entertaining movie. When it finished I asked my wife, "Among Hallmark movies where do you put this one, upper, mid, or bottom third." She replied, "Definitely in the upper third." (We watch Hallmark movies regularly.)
Set in Boston but filmed in British Columbia, Alison Sweeney is
Lilly Thorpe, working for an advertising agency. Several years earlier she had won some recognition for some writing and her ambition was to write a novel. Plus she is a big Jane Austen fan and leads a weekly Austen discussion group of ten.
To town comes Benjamin Ayres as wealthy businessman Trevor Fitzsimmon. He buys the local bookstore and Lilly's firm is to do new advertising for him. But it is also clear that Trevor is quickly smitten by Lilly. Will they become an item?
The novelty of this story is one evening Jane Austen herself appears but can only be seen and heard by Lilly. She continues to appear at future times and the two of them have meaningful conversations.
My favorite was their discussion of how long she has been dead. Lilly says "Two hundred and six years." Jane says in response, "It is two hundred six years, we must be proper." (The 'and' does not belong.) I smiled because that is a pet peeve of mine, as when a TV reporter will say something like "Three thousand and ten." The 'and' does not belong. I suspect few viewers will appreciate it as much as I did.
Anyway Allison Sweeney is always good, as a lightweight and entertaining movie it is fine. At home, streaming on Peacock.