Finally someone took the time to address this more or less properly.
So... Is it perfect? No.
But at least it tries to tackle the absurdity of the times we live in.
Going much further than other documentaries or books in unveiling some of the people that spawned the whole toxic internet trend - albeit leaving aside the vast influence of a certain current belligerent super power - it gives a simple, but credible, history lesson on why we are in the current political situation.
And no, I'm absolutely not talking just about the USA.
What happened there is ground zero for other 'experiences' that are starting to materialize in other countries (they even mention what happened in early 2000's with 2Chan) and that continue to occur in our age of misinformation.
The simple fact that some people are so desperate (and plainly stupid) as to be able to believe these pranksters should be enough to make us stop and meditate about what being online really means.
Just one more thing: this is a documentary and my rating is not based on the formal quality of the film.
This is a presentation of part of an important story.
A story that should be dissected and investigated much, much further. That said, as first efforts go this is a 5 in terms of usefulness and overall importance.