Take a look around the state of hospitals, schools, and other fundamental elements of our society in the country and tell me that this was necessary. We're expected to watch this cinematic flop while the real needs of everyday people go ignored, just because someone in power decided that this chest-pounding "tribute" was worth splurging 865 million forints. And for what? A parade of cardboard characters, hammy acting, and action scenes that seem to be pieced together by a team who might have watched one too many low-budget war flicks and thought they were up to the task.
The film's attempts at grandeur fall flat in every possible way. The "epic" shots are downright laughable, with CGI that would have been outdated even a decade ago, and the story feels like it was written to fit the most sanitized and lifeless military propaganda imaginable. There's no depth, no nuance, no real exploration of what it might mean to serve or sacrifice - just empty, jingoistic one-liners paired with the most cliched plot points you can imagine.
And let's not even start on the pacing, which drags on forever in all the wrong places, leaving even the most action-oriented scenes feeling like a chore. By the time the credits roll, you can't help but feel that this was less a movie and more a poorly-disguised vanity project for the people who greenlit it.
Ultimately, this film is a blaring reminder that we need to start investing public funds in areas that genuinely matter, not on bloated productions that try and fail to dress up national pride as high art. This isn't just a bad movie; it's an insult to everyone whose needs have been left unmet in favor of this charade.