If you go into Space Dandy expecting Cowboy Bebop you'll be disappointed by what you find. Rather then the action/drama/space thriller these writers blessed us with in the past you will instead get a colorful, humorous, and unique show that loves making jokes but can still take itself seriously every once in a while... and that's why I love it.
Sure there isn't a consistent story line, and every now and then an episode falls flat but when the show hits bulls-eyes it hits them with style. The beautiful, and highly detailed environments Dandy and his crew explore always tell a new story; some (most) of them tickle the funny bone, others tug on the heartstrings, and almost all of them involve an extra character that can range from quirky and bizarre to sweet and lovable.
The main complaint I've heard about the show is that it isn't Cowboy Bebop. I find that a bit ridiculous because the answer to this problem has been apparent since the very beginning; it wasn't meant to be. Space Dandy was, is, and will always be it's own thing, and it's unfair that a lot of people judge the show for this reason only. I can understand people not liking the show if they find it's lack of story, and almost constant humor off-putting; but when you complain about a show simply because it isn't like another show chances are you won't be taken seriously.
In conclusion I believe that Space Dandy is a fantastic show, but it won't appeal to everybody.
If you're into humor, eccentric characters, and don't mind a few crew members that come back from the dead, this show is right up your ally. If you're big into deep story lines/arcs, characters with back stories, or are easily offended by scantily clad waitresses it's probably best to skip this one.