"The Turtle and the Sea" is an independent feature film, made with a limited budget and resources. I mention this because in spite of these type of difficulties and limitations, in spite of movie- making-complications and technicalities, this film has managed to keep me watching it until the end, for its wonderful authenticity and for the passion which transpires through every scene.
The fact that the main characters are (more or less) playing themselves (or playing characters with a similar life story as theirs), combined with the fact that they are not professional actors, has lead to a special outcome, as the inner struggles and the desire to convey meaning to the story are to be seen and felt throughout the movie.
It is an intense story of love and determination, beautifully shot and with an amazing soundtrack attached to it.
Should you be curious to find out where the title comes from, I have to say that the scene where Cat tells the story is deeply touching, sensitive and rewarding at the same time.
A very heart-warming movie, definitely recommended for everyone even remotely interested in martial arts. However, expect a real story and not a fantasy-based string-flying type of film.
Both me & my boyfriend have enjoyed it very much and in all honesty, I must say that I have been very positively surprised of the overall quality considering the minimum budget and the factual limitations. (I actually found it almost unbelievable that you can make such a movie with such limited resources, which proves once again how much this movie meant to everyone involved).
Congratulations to the whole team for pulling it through in such a glorious way!
You can feel that there has been an enormous amount of work and love and passion put into it, which makes it a great watch - I feel this movie wasn't made just so it would produce money (as most movies today are) but instead to tell a story, to show a glimpse of a reality unknown to many.