AKA Close Encounters with Evil on A&E Crime... if you search the title A&E gave you would not find this which perhaps likely explains no official score for this show right here on iMDB...
After 2 episodes & presently on the 3rd (in season 1), I feel this show does a great job of mixing the experiences of the near-murdered victims along with the background story of the serial killer himself.
I recommend watching this! The first 2 episodes really paint a picture of what these victims experienced having both been tricked into a web of charisma or extreme friendliness...
This show proves that not everybody you think is normal or morally sound, is actually true. My father once told me people form their impression of you within the 1st 30 seconds. This might be true but only serves to prove that narcissistic, sociopathic or psychopathic people can easily manipulate you even those of you who are socially savvy.
You cannot judge anybody until you have gotten to know them for several months as anybody you know or make beief contact with could in fact be the opposite of whatever positive firat impressions you have of them.