Being Greek, I've been exposed to a lot of bad TV. And while many shows are bearable, some are just terrible. This particular one is the worst for me. When do I even start with this show? Well, if you manage to get through the opening credits, then you have partially succeeded, as they expose the true quality of the show -which is absent. 5 minutes into the show, you can actually see how stupid it is. It has the most common plots 'comedies' have, with the only difference that it's completely humorless. Every female character is whiny, stupid and arrogant and extremely annoying, portraying the males as the 'smart' and 'normal' ones. Weak writing. And I mean VERY weak. The script written by proffesionals could be better written for an Elementary school show. So, the only reason I give this show a '2', is because I refuse to give anything lower than that. However it's the worst show I have ever seen on TV, and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone I respect.