This is definitely not a great comedy or particularly original but it is certainly enjoyable with a few genuinely funny moments. It is quirky and charming and although the two main characters are self involved idiots they both somehow manage to remain likable. Although they are selfish and irresponsible they aren't actually malicious and seem blissfully unaware of their own antisocial behaviour. Charlotte Ritchie is delightful as Hannah, the lazy ex-vice-deputy-head-girl; a title she apparently bestowed upon herself at school. Tom Stourton delivers a genuinely funny performance as her childlike 23 year old idiotic brother Dan. The theme tune, which is used as incidental music through each episode, gives the show an innocent and slightly old fashioned feel. It gives you the sense that this is a light hearted comedy and that you don't have to take their behaviour too seriously, however it is contrasted by genuinely odd and occasionally dark humour.
Hannah is a girl who has elevated socially insensitive self-serving behaviour to an art form. However, she regards herself as a wonderful and caring human being. The contrast between her opinion of herself and her actual behaviour is not exactly an original source of comedy but Charlotte Ritchie carries it off so beautifully that you never actually feel angry at her and in fact remain strangely on her side. Dan is a 13 year old boy trapped in the body of a 23 year old man; he careers through life without ever achieving anything and yet throws himself into everything he does with boundless enthusiasm. We have learned that he spent 8 months at university, a fact he recalls as if it's an achievement, and has also been in prison for an as of yet undisclosed crime.
It's not a classic but it is enjoyable and has it's own vibe, well worth watching.