"Monstro!" is a cute animated film from Christopher Romano and I think it's well worth your time. Incidentally, I just saw this film shortly after seeing the collection of Oscar-nominated and commended animated shorts. It compares very favorably to these shorts and I wouldn't be surprised if we see some of Romano's work in upcoming animation shows.
The film is very much a takeoff on the old movie "Creature From The Black Lagoon". However, it uses some cute cartoony characters to tell a slightly different version.
It begins on a boat in the middle of the Amazon. A hot and seriously spoiled young lady is prancing about the deck and doesn't realize that a monster has noticed her and is sneaking aboard. Not surprisingly, when the woman sees the creature she screams and the hero comes rushing to her aid. He's completely ineffectual and what comes next you'll just have to see for yourself.
This film has a lot going for it. The best things are the animation style and quality. It really is a nice looking film. But it's also helped by a very nice sense of humor that made me smile. Add to that some excellent voice work and a nice story and you've got a winner.