Series One is film making to perfection. Well, it's a character-development story, so we can excuse the lame combat scenes with actors forming a nice target while their guns are inadvertently pointing at each other.
Molly Dawes is the underdog we all want to succeed, and this movie sets MD in a perfectly human situation: Loser BF, loser role models, she thinks she's smarter than she is (aren't we all guilty of this?) and she's an adult clinging to childhood.
As a Yank, I LOLed at the difference between British boot camp and the Hollywood DIs dressing down recruits. It's painful, though, to see a UK depiction of US Army officers. Tsk tsk.
Series One gives us real character growth, real drama, lots of tugs at the heart, and a scene where MD goes to a church in the last episode was perfection. The actress deserves something north of an Emmy. Series One, including the original movie, is absolutely excellent. I recommend that you watch it and then call this show "done".
Series Two casts MD away. The "more experienced" character is gorgeous and plays her part well, but who can get on board with "rich girl joins army"? The combat scenes are not well thought out, actually a little worse than series one. The story arch is forgettable and cliche.
Series Two is an example of good production values mixed with "good looking perfect characters" without humanity. The boyfriend is just a face on an IPad. The officer has always been a friend. The "platoon" (squad?) is always off to the side being a bunch of noisy baboons when they're actually supposed to be Georgia's "family". This series is just two attractive guys with non-military haircuts who interact in stereotypical fashion with the pretty girl.