[December 1998] Even before I started in this business, before the Penthouse video, I
had a girlfriend who had implants and I thought they were cool. I had
already had a son and I didn't like my breasts any more. So I got into
this business thinking I could make money and get my boobs done. When I
started, everybody--photographers, directors and eventually fans--told
me not to change anything, so I never did. I always wanted to for
myself, but everyone told me not to. Last year I went through a change.
I left my husband, left Elegant Angel and started the new company. It
was like a whole life and I decided I was on my own and I was going to
do things for me. Just because Patrick [Elegant Angel owner
Patrick Collins] put on this poll and made a big
deal of it, people think I was pressured that way. Not true. I did it
for me because I always wanted to.