I had been hesitant to speak out before because this Administration is
so vindictive. But now I will. Despite years of this pronouncement that
it's an "army of one" -- [here Karpinski refers to the advertisements
to join the Marines that carry the slogan "An Army of One"] -- we
reservists were absolutely discriminated against. The people at the
senior levels of the reserve components, the Chief of the Army Reserve,
for example, a three-star, never made so much as one phone call, never
exchanged one word with me in all of this. Twice, my lawyer requested a
meeting with him face-to-face in Washington, DC, and he declined. He
denied both of those requests. It's really a good old boys' network.
Come hell or high water, they're going to maintain the status quo. They
all live by each other in Fort Myers, or near Fort Myers. I'm sure that
they have these cigar-smoking sessions where they're all patting each
other on the back that they got another female out of the way...
[interview posted at www.truthout.org, 3 August 2005]