I don't know what the psyche is with Rourke nowadays. There once was a time after his 10 yr hiatus where he mentioned he admitted his mistakes, etc...and that it was a humbling experience.
It appears that he's on the mindset like he was before all of that happened. In his recent comment on marvel, he said its "crap" acting. How could he say that compare to what he's been doing lately. First of all, he's completely type casted because he's so worried about his looks.
As a fan of the younger Rourke, I can't believe what officially crap movies he's doing and the acting esp! Are you kidding me? He's comparing what he's been doing to Marvel???
Yes, Marvel is purely eye candy..but guess what?? The acting in it is 100 times more believable than the quality of acting and films he has been doing.
I keep hoping that there will be a change...I've paid to see Night Walk..I paid to watch Adverse...I think perhaps "Tiger" looks like a quality film, but its MIA.
Anyway, I digress.... Night Walk was a serious waste...All actors in this film was horrid. Perhaps the only entertaining person in this film was Patrick Kilpatrick.