After her successful roles in modern cult films "The Guest" and "It Follows", Maika Monroe has established herself as a scream queen, a position which should only be further manifested by "Tau", an artificial intelligence thriller which suffers from not being able to make use of a mildly interesting premise. In terms of cinematography and style, "Tau" is good enough, not outstanding, but it's certainly watchable. However, it's the nonexistence of any interesting aspects in its script which really brings this down - everything is always only hinted at, never fully explored, not to mention that most of its ideas aren't entirely original either. Maika Monroe gives a decent performance and I enjoyed Gary Oldman's voice role (even though I can't really understand how he went from winning an Oscar for his incredible portrayal of Winston Churchill to grabbing some cash with this), while Ed Skrein's acting didn't catch my attention at all. To sum things up, "Tau" does not have the most original premise and doesn't follow up on it with an interesting plot, instead creating something surprisingly boring and dull. Just like many other Netflix sci-fi movies, I cannot recommend watching it.