First the premise of the plot is preposterous - it's not a spoiler to say that the girl lead character is hired by a diamond dealer to regularly make diamond deliveries - she's not cautioned to not tell anyone - and she blabs to everyone about her new job - she's not armed, she walks and apparently makes several deliveries daily - really, no folks who hit diamond stores wouldn't notice her pattern? Hardly - clearly whoever came up with the storyline had no background nor did any research whatsoever
The "love interest" angle is quite trite - for example, sequence where luvable Irish ne're-do-well small time drug dealer BF and girl go on the standard "charmingly kitsch" dates - bowling where he flubs the roll and they both laugh and fall into each other's arms, they go to a used clothing shop and he puts on funny clothes and they laff and laff - collapsing on BF's couch as theme music swells, you get the idea
Other supporting characters - Marylu Henner and Ed Begley, Jr. Are vets (and look like it) - are at moments somewhat interesting in an off-kilter sort of way - but it's all rather too drab and they all give the vibe of being from upper class suburban backgrounds trying to play working class kids, completely unconvincingly. I mean, this is a scenario where the reality is violent thugs - in this thing they're all Valley Girl precocious wise-crackers, women and men.
Lead character is cast as supposedly snappy and street-wise manipulative gal , but just comes across as a whiny spoiled woman-tweeny (she's thirty something) for an overall effect of unlikeable shading to annoying
All in all quite believable thing was shot in 15 days as noted in "Trivia" section - I don't think there was much more than 15 days in the pre-planning - including script and casting- either.
Cinematography? - forgettaboutit. Expensive film school for rich kids class project quality.
So, there it is - not a complete loss - altho I gave up on it completely right at the very film school text book "plot pivot" point - so certainly, imo, no "Great all-around film and cast!" as bruited in one of the other posted comments.