Shuddhi was a great experience. It felt something like an Asgar Faradhi movie. It builds up very slowly, we get the feel of the situation and the moment when you start to think the movie is going somewhere it hits you like a lightning bolt. The performances are amazing. You may complain about the first half being very slow. But as a film geek myself I think was definitely necessary for the second half to be so effective. I thought the use of English and Kannada was a bit abrupt but it will definitely play good for international audience.
Movies like these may not make a big bang in the box office, but it will definitely create a benchmark for indie film makers to push themselves even further. In an industry filled with movies of stars and the masses. This feels like a fresh breath of air.
One scene I liked the most is the Mangalore party invasion scene the sound of the gun being shot as Kathryn gets closer and closer to her pray, I was on the edge of my seat. Any film geek can make out if the director knows what he is doing or not by just watching the movie for 10 mins. After watching 10 mins of Shuddhi I was confident that The director planned every single frame of the film.Most of the time a movie which gives a message focuses more on the message but forgets about the cinema. But this has struck the right balance between those two which is quite hard to achieve.
A good movie. I hope it will make others happy as it made me happy. Definitely a must watch.