To Keep the Light (2016) was written and directed by Erica Fae. After we saw this astonishing film, I checked on IMDb to find out the name of the extraordinarily talented star of the movie. It was Erica Fae!
The story--about a lonely women who is a lighthouse keeper--is well scripted. The direction is wonderful. However, what struck me most was the incredible acting of the protagonist. When I learned that Erica Fae starred in her own film, I couldn't believe it. (In fact, I checked it out using Google Image. Same person.) Other directors have directed themselves, but bringing out such a bravura performance is simply incredible.
The movie's plot is interesting. Apparently women really were lighthouse keepers--sometimes officially, sometimes not. Matters concerning the sea were obviously very important in 19th Century Maine. Keeping a lighthouse in operation was a major responsibility. One look at Erica Fae, and you know she can do the job. However, all is not what it seems. The plot doesn't go where you expect it to go. I guess we can thank scriptwriter Erica Fae for that innovation.
We saw this movie in Rochester's truly excellent Little Theatre. It was shown as part of wonderful High Falls Film Festival: Celebrating Women in Film. The interpersonal aspect of the plot will work well enough on the small screen, but you'll lose some of the spectacular scenery of the Maine coast.
To Keep the Light has an extremely high IMDb rating of 7.8. The problem is that less than 20 people have rated it. I'm the first reviewer. My suggestion is that you find a way to see this movie, rate it, and review it. The film is a masterpiece--we have to get the word out so people will realize how good it is.