In control had potential to be an interesting film. The premise of migrating your mind to another's body is a well tested concept, but in controls rendition of this wasn't too cliché.
Unfortunately the film went nowhere, there was no suspense, excitement or intrigue - well...there was intrigue but this relates more to the feeling of watching the last 10 minutes in bemusement thinking "cmon! Just explain...SOMETHING!?"
The music was very tedious...stylistically you can see what they were aiming at: a fugue like state. But the music ended up just slowing the film down...the plot is slow enough already. A well composed score would have really helped this film realise its considerable potential, emphasising the "post modern" dream state. If they had achieved this sylistic concept more successfully - in score as well as every other element of the film - it may not have mattered that there was woefully written dialogue, cheap cinematography, no real character development and a very lazy plot.
Despite all this I actually enjoyed it in a funny way. As a technical exercise in film making, however, it did not succeed; and as an exercise in "feels" it didn't do too well either, watching it was basically a pleasant way to pass time!