As much as I enjoyed this mini-series I felt it was even more important for me to voice my dismay at the trolls. It is clear that there are homophobic people coming on here just to give this series a low rating when they clearly have not watched it.
If the content of this mini-series is not for you, no one is forcing you to watch it. There are plenty of sports related programs that bore me to tears. But would I ever imagine to sign on to a website to malign them? Would I complain that too many people spend precious time and money being obsessed with other people who are just playing a game? No because I believe it's their right. If sports are your bag well then fine you can keep getting a thrill from them while I change the channel.
This series is history. A history that doesn't get taught in schools. It's important. It's also a history that every one should know regardless of their sexuality, political affiliation or religion. These things happened around us. This is not a fantasy or made-up story.
There are many great performances and there are some scenes simply meant to tug on your heart- strings. But the fact is, it does make you feel something. Unlike so much of what's on t.v. that is made solely to make money and get a huge audience. ABC surely must have known that this was not going to be a ratings blockbuster. Kudos to them for giving it the green-light anyway.
A mini-series like this is even more important now under the political climate we are living in.