Remember the woman who really wanted that job, but got a completely different one instead? Somewhere where no one wants to go ... well more or less. Even more so because of all the murders that occured there. But that was for entertainment purposes of course. Comedy TV show and all that. And the show ran succesfully for 3 seasons - and got this deserved movie to round things up.
We get many of our series regulars and a few new faces to round things up. There are some stabs at political correctness and expectations (cliches) and the jokes may feel a bit familiar - although some seem to not like the movie at all. Even those who were fans of the show. I am surprised a little bit - because it is really good that this isn't just another (double) episode but something own. A movie that has its own story while keeping the traits and characteristics of its characters. So remember, if you liked the show, do not expect this to be more of just the same and embrace it. If you haven't seen the show yet ... well if you like this give it a shot .. even if it means you know where it all will eventually end ...