I would like to preface this review with: it's so bad!! it's so, so bad!!!
The characters and the way they interact and their dialogue is all completely unsalvageable! But I had so much fun watching this thing!! From just the scene of them getting off the bus you already know what you're in for. This one kid does the sign of the cross and hold up the line and it's really painfully awkward (and is also gay so of course his bible (which he carries everywhere) is bedazzled) and this other character (who's my personal favorite) is obviously played by someone who just barely kind of knows how to skateboard even though it's the characters whole schtick. Like if you really want to laugh just watch them in the background, it's incredible. In the bus scene they like throw down the skateboard and then pounce onto it (seriously, they tuck their legs in and everything), but you can still tell the actor didn't know what to do beyond that so you kind of see them just outside of frame bend down to pick it back up and walk. Only to, once in the hallway, put the skateboard back down by crouching instead of just, you know, dropping it, and then they proceed to skate for about six whole seconds where they get dangerously closer and closer to a wall they obviously don't know how to avoid. This is just the first five minutes.
I genuinely recommend watching this horrible, horrible, horrible movie just to guess how many scenes they had to reshoot because of the skateboarding kid. Loved it.