Demented (2021) is a bad movie that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a recently engaged young lady who is kidnapped, raped and tortured. While held hostage she has visions that warn her of things to come and things that have happened. Can a determined detective find her before it's too late?
This movie is directed by Nigel Hartwell (Dead by Dawn) and has a horror all star cast that consists of Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Bret Hart (WWF), Ari Lehman (Friday the 13th), Angel Williams (TNA) and Dakota House (North of 60).
I never thought I'd watch a movie with Felissa Rose and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, but here it is. The storyline for this picture is pretty crazy, fairly straightforward but wild at the same time. The writing, acting and dialogue is very bad. The killer is annoying and you can't take anything he says seriously. The horror elements are dreadful and the CGI blood and throat slash scenes are a 0/10. While this has an all star cast, they are all way under utilized.
Overall, this movie is terrible but it was worth watching due to the random cast. I would score this a 3/10 but recommend seeing once.