If you want your generic girls riding and bonding horses show, its cute and funny, and it is 100% what you would expect from this kind of show. I came as a a fan of the original but this was enjoyable on its own and doesn't require seeing the original movie.
If you were looking for something like the namesake, a movie about a wild horse stumbling through the taming of the wild west and the struggle of Native Americans, who also bonds with a human through their trials, there is nothing for you here. The only thing this has in common with the movie is the name. The only real nods to the movie within the show itself is where they show that this Spirit is the original's son in the pony tails shorts, and they occasionally use Spirit not liking rope as a plotpoint. They basically used the name as a marketing tool, they could replace Spirit with any wild horse and nothing would change.
I was gonna go for 5 stars since it was a good show but completely lied for the title, but I think other fans of the original keep giving it a terrible score just out of revenge for the title so I'll help bump it up a bit.