EDIT: Just watched the first episode of the 2019 season. Still has some of the same people commenting, with a couple of new faces. The show feels a little fresher, but the biggest thing is the coordinates for the places they're talking about. I checked out all four in the premiere episode of this season and they are all absolutely spot-on! Don't know if they got enough feedback from viewers, or if somebody at the top finally said something, but the coordinates match the locations, and that is huge for me. So I will continue to watch this show and enjoy it as I have in the past.
I agree with most people about the personalities, not experts, that appear on the show. I have to admit that the minute I saw Lynette Nusbacher, I knew what everyone else did although I looked it up to confirm my suspicions. Andrew Gough, oddly enough, also appears quite often on History Channel's Ancient Aliens as an expert. There are a couple of people who are at least articulate enough to seem interesting with their comments so they and the content actually keep me coming back. My biggest pet peeve with this show is the coordinates that they show for each segment. I finally decided to look them during one episode and I was shocked at how incredibly inaccurate they were. One segment was about Tyneham Village in Dorset UK and the coordinates they gave were near Calais, France! The next segment was located near or in Lake Michigan in the US, and laughingly, the coordinates gave me China! I can't understand why they do this.