I remember when Elizabeth Smart was Kidnapped, I was eleven years old and I am from Salt Lake City Utah. My parents would watch the news reports and updates on her kidnapping, I remember some things but not a lot of things. I remember when she was finally found, and I remember feeling relieved and I was happy, I was a kid then and her situation scared me.
I heard about this 2017 tv movie and I decided to check it out at my local library, watching it all these emotions came to me, anger, disgust, hope, and fear. What makes this movie so real is the fact that it's based on actual events, and it is narrated by Elizabeth Smart herself. What this woman went through as a young teenage girl is horrific. The actors and actresses did an amazing job, Alana Boden who played Smart was phenomenal, and Skeet Ulrich did amazing as the psycho Brian David Mitchell the way he played Mitchell just sucked you in, Deirdre Lovejoy was amazing too as Wanda Barzee Mitchells psychotic assistant, and first wife. I believe everything that went on in this movie and how it was acted out, plus if it is coming from Elizabeth's mouth it is true and I believe it. I'm giving I am Elizabeth Smart 10/10, a story of a true survivor and what she went through.