'Terrified (2017)' is a film that focuses wholly on its scares, to the point that it actually sort of shoots itself in the foot a little. What I mean is that everything other than its horror is so barebones that it's actually difficult to care about, or even remember, anything that's going on. Though the scary sequences are truly well achieved, they don't have nearly as much impact as they could have if the flick's other elements weren't neglected as much as they are. The picture has a protagonist problem that sees the audience bounce about from person to person for far too long before settling on someone who finally feels like (at least in retrospect) a 'main character'. This is just one of the factors that adds up to that 'narrative neglect' I mentioned earlier. The others include a general lack of structure, a pace that's almost too fast (if there is such a thing) and a few story points that don't quite line up with the otherworldly explanation offered towards the end. It probably sounds like I don't like the picture, but that isn't true. It's entertaining enough in the moment and it has a strong atmosphere. Plus, (as I've mentioned already) it has more than a handful of genuinely high-calibre scares and it never takes the easy, 'cattle prod' approach even though there are more than enough jump scares throughout (including one of the best, most earned shocks I've recently seen). Despite its issues, the film isn't bad at all. The trouble is that it's really, really forgettable. Still, it's arguable that good experiences are worth having even if you don't remember them. If you want some top-notch horror, that's certainly the case here. 6/10.