Glitch Techs is a very, VERY good cartoon and might be the best thing Nickelodeon has put out in years. Despite a few uses of outdated gamer slang at times as well as the phrase "Like a boss" at one point (although to be fair it was said by a character that was meant to be obnoxious), the writing is solid overall with quickly paced delivery that works most of the time, with characters that complement the writing very well. Five and Miko are very charming and well developed protagonists, and not at one point do they border on annoying or intolerable. The music is also fantastic, it might be one of the best soundtracks to an animated show I've heard in a long time. And the animation is STUNNING. The lighting and colours are eye popping and the fluidity and kinetic energy of each action scene is truly a sight to behold. It's been a long time since there's been a major action cartoon, but Glitch Techs looks to fill in that gap. I hope that more people see this as we only have nine episodes so far and more should definitely be made. Please support this show if you want more original animated content in the future.