Henry Danger (as a live-action series) was already a pretty pitiful attempt at superhero comedy, from the long-since faded star of Dan Schneider with the single most redundant animated spin-off ever created. "He made Drake & Josh, he made iCarly" iCARLY ENDED 8 YEARS AGO!!!! Ever since, Schneider has been on a crusade of career suicide for most of the 2010's to effectively purge any kind of enjoyment his work EVER had and coasting off his successes from over a decade ago that the target audience would only know of through reruns on Teen Nick.
Pretending for a second you could LIKE Henry Danger, there's literally nothing that separates this from the original, aside from cheaper-than-oxygen animation, stiff movements that make the animation puppets move like they're giant cardboard boxes, and flat, uninspired character designs. In a world still recovering from the aftermath of the Powerpuff Girls reboot, the DC Cinematic Universe dumpster fires like Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman, there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that should keep you from watching the original Henry Danger series; yeah it's awful, yeah the laugh track is obnoxious and blares over the show so much to the point it doubles as background music, yeah the characters are horrible, insufferable morons, cartoonishly insane (not even in the fun way, but in a "How are you even allowed in polite society?!" way) or some mutant crossbreed of all three, but this is just the equivalent of a Dollar Store knock-off of an already awful, embarrassing D-Grade superhero movie. Thank whatever heavenly being/s of choice that the Schneider Era is well and truly dead and it's only a matter of time until this series finally FINALLY kicks the bucket.Good riddance.