I remember this ... well not fondly as you can tell by my rating, but I can remember it well. And while this isn't a high score, it is also doesn't mean that I hated watching it. It was just nothing that impressed me much. And I have to admit personally even annoyed me at times. The humor was not always hitting its mark.
But this is a low budget effort and the makers where at Frightfest and I remember them also being friendly and lovely people. That being said, I am not sure if my rating and hence my review annoyed anyone who actually really love(d) this. I can't and won't say anything that I don't feel - that doesn't mean I know better or that I am right with my view on things. It is just how I see things. I do not like the cliches this uses, how it seperates the people/characters in this - or how they "act" (pun intended) ... that being said, feel free (unlike the characters in the movie) to disagree.