I really enjoy this show, and the current format is better than original, but the celebrities have too great a role in determining whether or not their team wins. Repeatedly during the show, contestants are reminded that the outcome of the game is really determined by the round in which their team celebrity constructs an answer board and gives the clues for it. Celebrities determine who wins or loses by the answer boards they create in that final competitive round. It sometimes seems like they aren't really playing to get their team to win. 2 teams of 3 contestants would allow contestants to win or lose based on THEIR choices in that round, instead of letting the celebrities run things. I can't help but think that some losing teams go home believing they would have won if they could have had the power to make the answer board and give the clues themselves. I would watch (even prefer) the show without the celebrities. However, if celebrities and their banter seem essential to the show, then at least let the contestants choose who is to make that answer board and lead that final round. One of the contestants OR the celebrity would play based on the contestants' choice. Then, win or lose, it was their choice.