By far one of the more enjoyable British tv shows of recent years in any genre.
To see Sue (and Mel too I guess) actually acting rather than just presenting and along each other is a treat I never thought i would get and the characters are actually perfect for them. Mel is the oblivious woman-child and Sue is her long suffering friend and colleaugue.
The whole thing isn't really that dark, it's really more about work place comedy of a kind we don't see that much. Or maybe I'm just to far down the rabbit whole to see. Either way the scenarios are fun, well paced and tend to end satisfyingly.
It wouldn't be funny if they were 100% professional but I liked that you do actually see they are quite talented once in a while.
In the background of every episode is a sense of quite, routine desperation that never steals the show but helps make this perhaps the only truly Original comedy from my compatriots in the last few years and made damn fine Saturday morning entertainment in these unusual times (I'm writing during the Covid thing; hello future people!!!!).
And once again: love Sue and this made me grow to love Mel too.