This documentary was very lacking for me. Salvador Dalí was such an amazing personality. His thoughts and mind which he expressed through his master skills as a painter made him one of the highest paid painters of his time and leaders of a movement. This documentary focused almost exclusively on his two houses.
I would go so far as to say it was a documentary about the two main houses of Dalí, and Dalí was featured in his connection with them. His time in the USA and France was brushed over in a few sentences. He spent 8 years living in the USA but it it was summed in only a few sentences. His time in France even less. His life in Spain mentioned mostly about additions to the house. Even the time he spent away from the houses the movie focused on the builders work on the house rather than what Dalí was doing while away.
More talking time was given about a local he got his house from, or shack at that time, rather than hundreds of the amazing people he connected with in his life and life's work. I'd say 90% of the footage was from the houses and the other majority of visual content photos from his life.
I would liken this documentary to someone doing a documentary on Jim Carry and then focusing on his house and additions made to it. Dalí's personality, mind, thoughts and depth did not come through for me in this presentation. Left with yearning for a movie that would represent the great person, personality and mind of Dalí to the world.
I wouldn't recommend this to anyone to become enthusiastic about Dalí. I am very enthusiastic about Dalí. I don't know of anyone I would recommend this to at all.