A long-time fan of Jann's from south of the border, I was pleased to see this show "on offer" the other day, so I went ahead and took the bait.
One of my very better choices. The writing is first-class, the performances top-drawer, and this show deserves to be long-run success. The worst thing about it is that there are only 2 eps. left to go on this first series. (6 eps.: way, way too few!!) That is, that's the worst thing unless the unthinkable (literally unthinkable) were to happen and it is not renewed. This is one damn funny show -- perhaps especially if you happen to be a little further on in life to appreciate more viscerally some of the writing, etc. ( I'm 65 (67?) myself, and while I haven't done "fame" (or the backside of fame), I've garnered enough experiences to appreciate some of the major arcs -- and their treatment - in this show. )
9 stars from me - and I'm no pushover. Long may she live!