I have read the manga and was very happy when I heard that the anime was being made. But this seems to be made to ruin the story. The very carefully constructed atmosphere put together by the author on the manga version is a no show due to the fast pacing of the screen adaptation. The order of events is wrong, too many jumps that I couldn't even understand the time passing and the animation itself is very bad, a lot of issues in many areas.
It seems that the ones who put together this anime have no idea on how to maintain/ create an ominous atmosphere, put thriller and mystery to the thing which is very sad because the manga had it already they just "edited it out of the plot".
As for the people that haven't read the manga, this is a very average anime... almost bad but the plot saves it big time. Everything should have been done in a more explained way and using more of the manga because if taken from there it would come up on the list of best animes of the genre.