This is a very good dark comedy that hinges on dumb decisions and a pervasive all-round ineptitude of almost all of the characters. But this isn't your usual dark comedy, in the sense that this won't elicit lots of laughs. It's a comedy because the characters and situations are pathetically laughable, but that doesn't mean you will find yourself laughing all along.
Though the plot is a bit strange, the stellar performances delivered by all of the cast render the whole story as completely believable. I would even go as far as to say that this is so well done that it looks like the characters had no choice but to act as they do.
The whole cast does a great job, but special credit must be given to Virginia Newcomb's performance. The shades of perplexity that go through her face when her husband tells her the unthinkable are priceless!
I would say that everything in this movie is as good as it should be. No more, no less. Everything is in its place.
There's also a very subtle hint of Cohen brothers to some of the awkward moments and some of the shots, which for me is an added bonus.