Who gets up one day and thinks 'you know what, I'm going to make a really bad film with wooden acting and incidental music so loud that you can't hear the actors speak?' Clearly that's what the director of The Wrong Husband, Ben Meyerson, thought; and boy did he delivered.
You'd think when they check the film before releasing it someone would've said 'I think the mood music is too loud.' But no, that's how it was released.
Then there's the tree-like acting. So wooden it's probably a fire hazard on hot days. The lead actress, Charlotte Graham, does a semi-decent job of playing her part, but the rest of the cast appear to have taken acting lessons from Pinocchio. Maybe the director's nickname is Geppetto?
I managed to watch 18 minutes before I decided to go to the dentist for a root canal procedure that I suddenly decided I needed.