The film opens with a police team gathering at the crime scene of a female medical student who is found dead. Initial investigation classifies it as suicide but with pressure from the girl's parents and the media suspecting it to be a murder, the case is taken up by CID officer Vaidehi ('Sandalwood Beauty Queen' Haripriya). How she solves the case is what the film is all about.
The first 30 mins of the film shows Vaidehi's earlier college life and how she used to be a tomboy in college. The rest of the movie is all about finding the murderer.The film doesn't have much story in it and the plot is overstretched. Usually a thriller film should be engaging for the viewer but this movie isn't very gripping and also starts to get boring after the interval. The climax is rather predictable and ends quite abruptly.
Haripriya, Sumalatha Ambareesh and the rest of the actors have performed well. Barring the negatives, the film has a quite enchanting screenplay along with some fine background music and good cinematography.
The director should have worked more on the script which doesn't have much to offer.
All in all this film is watchable and won't disappoint you for a one time watch.